
invenio module that adds tugraz configs.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.ACCOUNTS = True

Tells if the templates should use the accounts module.

If False, you won’t be able to login via the web UI.

Instead if you have a overriden template somewhere in your like this: SECURITY_LOGIN_USER_TEMPLATE = ‘invenio_theme_tugraz/accounts/login.html’ then you can remove this condition from header_login.htm: {%- if config.ACCOUNTS %} to render your overriden login.html

invenio_config_tugraz.config.ACCOUNTS_LOCAL_LOGIN_ENABLED = True

Allow local login.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.APP_RDM_DEPOSIT_FORM_AUTOCOMPLETE_NAMES = 'off'

Behavior for autocomplete names search field for creators/contributors.

Available options:

  • search (default): Show search field and form always.

  • search_only: Only show search field. Form displayed after selection or explicit “manual” entry.

  • off: Only show person form (no search field).

invenio_config_tugraz.config.APP_RDM_DEPOSIT_FORM_DEFAULTS = {'publisher': 'Graz University of Technology'}

Default values for new records in the deposit UI.

The keys denote the dot-separated path, where in the record’s metadata the values should be set (see invenio-records.dictutils). If the value is callable, its return value will be used for the field (e.g. lambda/function for dynamic calculation of values).

invenio_config_tugraz.config.CONFIG_TUGRAZ_ROUTES = {'gdpr': '/gdpr', 'guide': '/guide', 'terms': '/terms'}

Defined routes for TUG.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.DATACITE_DATACENTER_SYMBOL = ''

“The OAI-PMH server’s metadata format oai_datacite that allows you to harvest record from InvenioRDM in DataCite XML needs to be configured with your DataCite data center symbol. This is only required if you want your records to be harvestable in DataCite XML format.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.DATACITE_FORMAT = '{prefix}/{id}'

Customize the generated DOI string.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.INVENIO_CONFIG_TUGRAZ_IP_RANGES = []

Allows access to users whose range of IP address is listed.

INVENIO_CONFIG_TUGRAZ_IP_RANGES = [[“”, “”], [“”, “”]]

invenio_config_tugraz.config.INVENIO_CONFIG_TUGRAZ_SHIBBOLETH = False

Set True if SAML is configured

invenio_config_tugraz.config.INVENIO_CONFIG_TUGRAZ_SINGLE_IP = []

Allows access to users whose IP address is listed.


[“”, “”]

invenio_config_tugraz.config.MAIL_SERVER = 'localhost'

Domain ip where mail server is running.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND = True

Enable email sending by default.

Set this to False when sending actual emails.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.OAISERVER_ADMIN_EMAILS = ['']

The e-mail addresses of administrators of the repository.

It must include one or more instances.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.OAISERVER_ID_PREFIX = ''

The prefix that will be applied to the generated OAI-PMH ids.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.RATELIMIT_AUTHENTICATED_USER = '25000 per hour;1000 per minute'

Increase defaults for authenticated users.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.RATELIMIT_GUEST_USER = '5000 per hour;500 per minute'

Increase defaults for guest users.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.RDM_RECORDS_USER_FIXTURE_PASSWORDS = {'': None}

Overrides for the user fixtures’ passwords. The password set for a user fixture in this dictionary overrides the password set in the users.yaml file. This can be used to set custom passwords for the fixture users (of course, this has to be configured before the fixtures are installed, e.g. by setting up the services). If None or an empty string is configured in this dictionary, then the password from users.yaml will be used. If that is also absent, a password will be generated randomly.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = None

Access control configuration for records.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = None

Recaptcha public key (change to enable).

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SECURITY_CHANGEABLE = False

Allow password change by users.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SECURITY_CONFIRMABLE = False

Allow user to confirm their email address.

Instead user will get a welcome email.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SECURITY_EMAIL_HTML = False

Render email content as HTML.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SECURITY_EMAIL_PLAINTEXT = True

Render email content as plaintext.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SECURITY_EMAIL_SENDER = ''

Email address used as sender of account registration emails.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SECURITY_EMAIL_SUBJECT_REGISTER = 'Welcome to TU Graz Repository!'

Email subject for account registration emails.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SECURITY_RECOVERABLE = False

Allow password recovery by users.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SECURITY_REGISTERABLE = True

“Allow users to register.

With this variable set to “False” users will not be able to register, or to navigate to /sigup page.

Sets cookie with the samesite flag to ‘Strict’ by default.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SQLALCHEMY_ECHO = False

Enable to see all SQL queries.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SQLALCHEMY_ENGINE_OPTIONS = {'pool_pre_ping': False, 'pool_recycle': 3600, 'pool_timeout': 10}

SQLAlchemy engine options.

This is used to configure for instance the database connection pool. Specifically for connection pooling the following options below are relevant. Note, that the connection pool settings have to be aligned with:

  1. your database server’s max allowed connections settings, and

  2. your application deployment (number of processes/threads)

Disconnect handling

Note, it’s possible that a connection you get from the connection pool is no longer open. This happens if e.g. the database server was restarted or the server has a timeout that closes the connection. In these case you’ll see an error similar to:

psycopg2.OperationalError: server closed the connection unexpectedly
    This probably means the server terminated abnormally
    before or while processing the request.

The errors can be avoided by using the pool_pre_ping option, which will ensure the connection is open first by issuing a SELECT 1. The pre-ping feature however, comes with a performance penalty, and thus it may be better to first try adjusting the pool_recyle to ensure connections are closed and reopened regularly.

… code-block:: python


# enable the connection pool “pre-ping” feature that tests connections # for liveness upon each checkout. pool_pre_ping=True,

# the number of connections to allow in connection pool “overflow”, # that is connections that can be opened above and beyond the # pool_size setting max_overflow=10,

# the number of connections to keep open inside the connection pool_size=5,

# recycle connections after the given number of seconds has passed. pool_recycle=3600,

# number of seconds to wait before giving up on getting a connection # from the pool pool_timeout=30,



invenio_config_tugraz.config.SSO_SAML_DEFAULT_ACS_ROUTE = '/authorized/<idp>'

URL route to handle the IdP login request.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SSO_SAML_DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_PREFIX = '/shibboleth'

Base URL for the extensions endpoint.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SSO_SAML_DEFAULT_METADATA_ROUTE = '/metadata/<idp>'

URL route for the metadata request.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SSO_SAML_DEFAULT_SLO_ROUTE = '/slo/<idp>'

URL route for the SP logout.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SSO_SAML_DEFAULT_SLS_ROUTE = '/sls/<idp>'

URL route to handle the IdP logout request.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SSO_SAML_DEFAULT_SSO_ROUTE = '/login/<idp>'

URL route for the SP login.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.SSO_SAML_IDPS = {}

Configuration of IDPS. Actual values can be find in to invenio.cfg file

invenio_config_tugraz.config.USERPROFILES_EMAIL_ENABLED = True

Exclude the user email in the profile form.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.USERPROFILES_EXTEND_SECURITY_FORMS = True

Set True in order to register user_profile.

This also forces user to add username and fullname when register.

invenio_config_tugraz.config.USERPROFILES_READ_ONLY = True

Allow users to change profile info (name, email, etc…).